How To Diy MiNi Easel

March 03, 2015
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Hi! Over pinterest!, I saw this picture after a time to bring a truly easy tutorial of the way to create a mini easel and I was the tutorial on the best way to create the mini easel, Because I’ve never seen one so modest! but it wasn’t …. so I Decided to make one! Here is the way it turned out:

1. First you have to cut three sticks of balsa wood (originally cut the longest half but then cut it shorter) two of 11cm and the average of 10.5 cm
2.Cortar with a cutter tip shaped sticks the two extremes, and assemble them together to see if the desired angle

1. Cut three sticks, two of 11 cm and one of 10.5 cm
2. With cutter cut the end of the 11cm stick’s in a way it form the angle as shown in the picture:

  1. With a wick or a nail to make a hole in the three sticks
  2. After spending a stick / toothpick through the hole
  3. Cut the edges so there are no execedentes
  4. With a nail make a hole-through the three sticks.
  5. then a pass-through it to toothpicks
  6. Cut the points
  1. Cut a stick approximately 7cm and put glue on each to paste sticks to extremes.
  2. Cut into 7cm glue sticks and put in the points and stick it to the previous structure

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